In response to the review by Martin Dreyer of the opening show of Beauty And The Beast (Zany tricks and treats thrill audience, The Press, February 19), and his question: “Is Beauty And The Beast really a musical?”, it has to be a resounding “yes” after seeing the matinee performance on Saturday.

T he only way it is possible that this show could ever be compared to a panto is if the person reviewing it has never seen the Disney film and simply does not appreciate the essentials of converting that into a musical.

York Light Opera have produced a show that messes with your senses. It has you laughing, shedding tears of joy and sadness and leaves you wanting more.

The French accents are wonderful and convincing and the costumes lend a lovely fantasy feeling to the show – which, after all, is what Disney productions are all about.

Joseph Knowles’ portrayal of The Beast is a very professional, believable and heartfelt piece of acting, whilst Rory Mulvihill and Geoffrey Turner, as Lumiere and Cogsworth respectively, large up their characters and give superb performances.

It is totally outrageous that this show could be compared to a cross between a pantomime and the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party. Martin really does not know his arias from his oboe.

Every member of the cast involved in this production should give themselves a huge pat on the back for the hard work that has been put into this show and has resulted in a very enjoyable piece of theatre. Keep up the good work!

Jaquelene Wynn, Monkgate, York.