A NORTH Yorkshire youngster is going the extra mile this weekend to raise funds for the Haiti appeal.

Seven-year-old Joseph Busuttil, from Thirsk, will be following in his father, Walter’s, footsteps when he takes on a triathlon.

On Sunday, he will first swim 150 metres in Thirsk Pool, then cycle 4km around Sowerby before running the final 1.5km around the Flatts back to the Thirsk Pool.

The keen swimmer from Bagby first entered the Thirsk Pool for lessons as a three-year-old, and is now a keen member of the Thirsk White Horse Swim Team. The triathlon is a first for him and he is keen to match his father’s triathlon achievements.

He said: “I want to do something to help all the people who are sad because they have lost their homes and families in the Haiti disaster. So far I have raised more than £450 to help them.”

To sponsor Joseph log on to virginmoneygiving.com/Joseph_Busuttil