HOUSEHOLDERS in East Yorkshire will learn this week how much council tax they must pay next year.

East Riding Of Yorkshire Council will set its council tax rise tomorrow night.

A rise of 1.5 per cent – the lowest in the council’s history – has been proposed.

Tax levels vary across the Riding, depending on parish council and town council precepts.

A 1.5 per cent rise would mean the Band D rate in various areas would be as follows: Barmby Moor, £1,249.16. Bielby, £1,225.90. Bishop Wilton, £1,240.33. Boynton, £1,234.40. Bridlington, £1,238.06. Bubwith, £1,230.94. Burton Agnes, 1,231.41. Catton, £1,241.27. Driffield, £1,281.04. Easington, £1,238.08. Ellerton and Aughton, £1,234.92. Flamborough, £1,250.12. Fridaythorpe, 1,249.97. Full Sutton and Skirpenbeck, £1,239.37. Goole, £1,365.04. Holme-on-Spalding Moor, 1,236.15. Market Weighton, £1,271.83. Melbourne, £1,241.24. Pocklington, £1,279.38. Shiptonthorpe, £1,283.88. Stamford Bridge, £1,247.41. Wetwang, £1,231.92. Wilberfoss, £1,232.20.