During the first snow falls, followed by solid ice, I thought more could be done. It got worse and lasted longer.

It now reminds me of Feb - March 1947 when the whole country was snow and frost bound. I was sent on indefinite RAF sick leave, with sciatica, lasting six weeks as sick bay wards were closed to save fuel.

There was a nation wide shortage of fuel due to road conditions and increased demand for coal and coke. York lads queued at the gas works every day for a bogy full of coke. I had been among them in earlier years. 3d and 6d depending on the size of your bogy.

This winter is similar. The council are stretched to the limit and doing the best they can. We get on with it as best we can and are lucky to have good nieghbours when we need help.

When things get tough the old spirit is still alive. We are thankful for good nieghbours.