ENVIRONMENT Secretary Hilary Benn says on TV, radio and in the newspapers that we in farming must grow more food, and be even more environmentally friendly.

We have had taken from our Rural Payments Agency single farm subsidy 19 per cent (EU five per cent, this Government 14 per cent) for the environment – modulation – what more do they want? What other industry would tolerate that?

With prices for our produce lower than ever, potatoes for crisps and ware virtually unsaleable, malting barley £83 a ton, feed barley £78 and biscuit wheat £100, etc.

We are at the bottom of the pile, keeping everyone else, as usual.

Sadly, the only time we make any liquid profit is when there is a shortage.

The dairy and pig industry, and soon the egg industry, will verify my sentiments.

I know we recoup some of our single farm payment from field margins – leaving hedge cutting, and jumping through hoops.

But as for growing more food, I think not.

Pamela Frankland, Lodge Farm, Hull Road, Dunnington, York.