I have no party loyalty, for the sake of it, having voted for all three down the years. The vast majority of our advanced years worked and paid our way in full, plus a lot more. The vast majority do or would today, if they could. We are still the salt of the earth. Its the political system that has let us down. We deserve much better, and without a revolution, it's the politicians who have to make it happen.

The trouble is the two main parties won't let go of the power they get with first past the post while the votes of most voters are wasted.

They have had it their way for over 40 years. Those whose power is handed down and want to keep it, and those who are supposed to represent those to whom the only power on offer is that which they work for, if they can.

There is no difference now. That's why it has to change and it hasn't. The awful duo have proved they will only tinker with the system when they are forced to, in order to keep maximum power.

The only established party to agree about the necessary changes are the Lib Dems at National level. In York they have been a bit arrogant and made several very costly mistakes they don't accept responsibility for. They are potentially strong Europeans and I am not totally against that if we get our fair benefits.

In spite of that, it may be worthwhile, for the greater national benefit, for them to get overall control of Parliament and York to be brought into line from Westminster??? All the best talent would then want to join them.