I wonder if Patrick Kelly is suffering from “Woeful ignorance” (Letters, January 1), massive delusion or Hitlerian deceit.

Recently, I came across the report by Lord Monckton to Parliament – On The Central Question Of Climate Sensitivity – dated May 17 last.

His conclusion on the scientific evidence was that the UN was either accidentally or deliberately distorting the evidence by at least three times.

Although they had downgraded their assessment three times, it still represented a gross exaggeration of the facts. In the opinion of his scientific advisors, man would make no significant difference to climatic change this century no matter what it did, even if we shut down the whole of the world economy and took to Stone Age living.

Why do members of the Government totally ignore the report they commissioned and spout lies?

Recently, on morning radio, I heard Ed Milliband say there was more CO2 in the atmosphere now than for 130,000 years, yet in recent years I have seen a programme on the Arctic where ice cores were analysed, and in the not too distant past air bubbles showed a CO2 content of 30 times the present level.

I cannot believe the UN made a mistake. I believe the distortion is deliberate. If they get their way they will demand powers to control the work, travel and food supply of the whole world.

Their proposals will cost so much that the poorest in the world will be taxed to destitution to pay for their folly.

The ruling classes, of course, will have the money to cushion their lifestyle obtained, no doubt, from carbon taxes.

If Mr Kelly is for real he should read Lord Monckton’s paper and apologise to Godfrey Bloom.

In addition, The Press should print the report in full so everybody is acquainted with the great deception to which they are being subjected.

K Barnes, North View, Catterton, Tadcaster.