I WAS always led to believe that under the British justice system (applicable also in all or most Commonwealth countries) that a person was innocent until proven guilty.

But apparently I am wrong. Under guidelines set by the Government, parents are now not allowed to walk around children’s playgrounds unchecked; instead they will have to watch their offspring through a six-foot perimeter fence.

Only vetted play rangers will be allowed to supervise youngsters at play. All parents, it seems, are being treated as potential paedophiles, and are therefore banned from spending quality time with the children.

This ludicrous ban has been imposed by Watford borough council, whose mayor, Dorothy Thornhill, claims that in today’s climate it is not possible to have adults walking around unchecked in a children’s playground.

Goodness knows what crazy ideas the powers-that-be are going to come up with next.

J H Roy, Hadrian Avenue, York.