KEEP your homes lit and locked – that is the message to be given to thousands of city-wide residents as part of police burglary blitz.

Under the banner Light Up And Lock up, the Safer York Partnership burglary task group is urging residents to be more switched on when they leave their homes empty this winter, to prevent break-ins as the nights get darker.

The scheme aims to encourage the use of timer switches and low-energy light bulbs to keep properties well lit and deter thieves from using the twilight hours before home owners return from work to commit burglaries.

As part of national Not In My Neighbourhood Week, which is addressing issues such as theft, auto crime, speeding and Mischief Night, volunteers from York Community Watch and Crime Prevention will be in St Sampson’s Square, York, from 9.30am today to give away free light bulbs and timer switches, an initiative funded by Safer York Partnership and the Energy Partnership.

Crime reduction officer Deborah Palmer, who has organised the event, said: “Approximately one-in-four burglaries takes place in insecure premises. We urge residents to lock their doors and windows when leaving their property and at night.

“With darker nights, properties can look obviously empty during the early evening when residents are out.

“Using a lamp on a timer switch just gives the impression that there may be someone at home.”

Anyone visiting the mobile police office in St Sampson’s Square will require proof of their address, such as a passport, pension book or a utility bill, to be eligible.