First, thank you very much for the support given by The Press and the York public to our letter about the proposed closure of the pharmacy in Intake Avenue. Lloyds withdrew their proposal and the pharmacy remains open.

Currently, York LINk (Local Involvement Network for health and social services) is concerned because pharmacists’ stocks of some medicines which are regularly used, for example for cancer and epilepsy – possibly others? – are so low that patients or carers are unable to buy everything they need at one time and have either to return to the pharmacist a few days later or go elsewhere in search of their medicine.

Apparently this is not something the primary care trust can deal with so LINk has to go to the Government. In order to do so we need to present some case studies.

Please would those of you who have experienced this problem contact LINk as soon as possible by phoning 01904 621631, emailing or writing to Annie Thomson, partnership co-ordinator, William House, Shipton Road, Skelton, York, YO30 1XF, or faxing 08453130271.

We should be most grateful for all the first-hand information we can get.

Carolyn Murphy, member of the LINk Steering Group, Shipton Road, Skelton, York.