At a time when there is doom and gloom, politics and credit crunch we have been reminded of the important things in life – family and friends. Our daughter was recently ill in hospital and we can honestly say it was one of the most frightening experiences of our life.

Had it not been for the support of our family and friends things would have felt a lot worse.

Immediately that support network went into action – no questions asked. Drinks and food, pyjamas and toothbrushes, money and time and, most importantly, emotional support.

When we returned home, the house had been cleaned, fresh bedding and clean pyjamas, balloons and cards from all her friends and family, and it’s all these things that can make a difference. We will be raising a glass to our friends and family and toasting them all. I would urge you to keep your family and friends close to you, and if things are hard or you need help don’t be afraid to ask for it; sometimes it is these people who can get you through difficult times.

So raise a glass yourself to family and friends.

Mr and Mrs S Danks, Marston Crescent, York.