I WAS pleased to read that there seems to be some movement over what to do with the Barbican (The Press, September 15).

I do hope the wrangling does not go into a spiral again, because York is missing out on a great deal of tourist trade.

While wanting to maintain York’s charm, culture and history, you have to wonder how long visitors will want to come if more shops close down and the tourists attractions look run down and jaded because of lack of public support.

You only have to look at the theatre pages in the national papers to notice that big acts go to Sheffield, Hull, Leeds and Bridlington, not to mention Manchester, as they have the venues that will accommodate large crowds.

Think big, York, and don’t get bogged down by bureaucracy. A replica Globe theatre would be a great asset, too. Don’t take too long in debate, this has gone on long enough. Do something soon otherwise you will have missed the opportunity.

Valerie Hawkins, Lord Drive, Pocklington.