I READ that Selby District Council (SDC), in conjunction with Cawood Parish Council, is going to make a design statement for Cawood village. Very impressive, but I am afraid it does not impress me.

In 2001, Riccall Parish Council, in conjunction with SDC, came up with a design statement for Riccall village.

On page 18 of this statement, it says new residential development should be limited to two stories in height (other than in the most exceptional circumstances). Talk about covering themselves.

In the Cawood design, SDC says: “It will ensure new development will be in keeping in the overall look of Cawood.”

You only have to look at Riccall village and see the number of two-and-a-half storey houses that have been built since 2001, regardless whether they are in a conservation area or not.

As for the Cawood design. I think the only people to benefit from this design will be SDC, for the amount of money they have received from all the meetings they have attended. Cawood, of course, will be doing it for free. So be careful, Cawood Parish Council, or you will find the statement will not be worth the paper it is written on.

P Howell, York Road, Riccall.