WE KEEP reading letters and comments made by conservationists, “protect this and protect that” groups. I think I have yet to see them suggest a sensible alternative to any proposal which has been put forward, except perhaps for, let’s dig a hole and we’ll look into it.

I accept there is a need for careful and sympathetic planning, but do we have to try to retain outdated useless buildings and return to the days when the contents of chamber pots would be raining down on us as we walked down Shambles?

All the hullabaloo about the proposed new council offices in Hungate, and what does one see when walking along Peasholme Green? A complete mishmash of incongruous buildings flanked by a monstrous chimney from a bygone age. What a mess.

Is this conservation? Come on, let’s make some progress and bring this city into the 21st century or we will be the laughing stock of future generations. Okay, I’m already in my bunker awaiting the return fire. I only hope it’s up to date and on target.

A L Rowntree, Walmer Carr, Wigginton, York.