A SENIOR citizen who I know quite well regularly travels into York from her home in Tang Hall to undertake charity work, attend church meetings and socialise with her friends.

This charming lady is in her mid-eighties, is sprightly for her age, but finds it necessary to carry a walking stick.

Three years ago, my friend suffered a heavy fall, resulting in a broken hip. This took several months to mend, and is still not right.

This lady catches the number six bus, and, along with many other elderly people, is apprehensive about doing so.

The reason is simple. Most bus drivers jerk their vehicles into motion before their passengers properly seated. This action causes them to grab hold of the nearest solid object and plonk themselves down at the front of the bus. In fact, many prefer to stand rather than undertake the hazardous journey down the aisle.

I have brought this matter up in previous letters to The Press, as well as contacting First York management and the city council.

This is a series of accidents waiting to happen, but nobody seems to be remotely interested; perhaps they are young and drive motor cars.

While the health and safety brigade seem intent on ensuring untrained police officers don’t ride bicycles, my only option would appear to be to approach that stalwart of the people, Joanna Lumley. I am sure that this fabulous lady, kukri in hand, would charge to the rescue.

A pilot of an aircraft would be grounded for life if he/she took off without ensuring passengers were properly seated and strapped in.

So can somebody, somewhere, please sort this matter out. Commonsense and discipline is all that’s needed.

JH Roy, Hadrian Avenue, York.