LABOUR councillor Paul Blanchard is well known for his anti-religious views. But there is a time and a place to express them. And it is not during the search for a vulnerable young York woman who has disappeared.

Hearing that prayers were being said for missing York chef Claudia Lawrence, Coun Blanchard decided to launch an attack on religion on his Facebook page.

“Like praying is going to achieve anything,” he wrote. “Of all the pointless things to do.”

At a time when the whole city’s thoughts were focussed on Claudia and her family, this was a crass and totally inappropriate thing to say. It is all the worse because Coun Blanchard represents Heworth ward, where Claudia lives.

The errant councillor is now being investigated by his own party. “He brings us all into disrepute,” said fellow Heworth councillor Ruth Potter. At least he has had the grace and good sense to apologise unreservedly to the Lawrence family.

It is the very least he can do.