Now that the G20 summit is over, what has it achieved? Absolutely nothing, except a multi-million pound bill for all the security, travel and hotel expenses for what amounts to no more than a costly junket.

The bill will once again be picked up by the taxpayer, while the politicians lead a life of luxury.

After the furore died down we have been left with the same money-grabbing politicians that we had before, who constantly deny any wrongdoing when to all and sundry they are lying to line their own pockets before they are out of power.

We have seen this time and time again, and the same old faces remain in power to run the country further into the mire that they themselves created. The former Prime Minister Tony Blair, misled the country and took it into two illegal wars, costing us billions of pounds and the lives of thousands of Iraqis and Afghans and hundreds of our servicemen and women.

Gordon Brown, by his own admission, inherited the best economy the country had ever had, taxed everybody to their eyeballs, raided all the pension funds and lost everything through bad management. John Prescott, Jacqui Smith and Peter Mandelson, to name a few, have all committed acts that should have had them sacked for misconduct, yet still they are in a position to have a say in the running of the country.

They hauled the bankers in front of a Parliamentary committee and made them apologise for their supposed mishandling of the banks, but as yet there is not one politician who has gone public and held up his hands and said: “Sorry, we made big mistakes and the buck stops with us.” Like the spineless creatures they are they hide behind the Parliamentary privileges and say once again nothing is our fault, someone else is to blame.

TJ Ryder, North Lane, Dringhouses, York.