Yet another Government Minister spending lavishly on his relatives' house under the rules which allow him to do it as a legitimate second home. It would be eye watering to see what other fiddles are being signed off with the likes of John Lewis accounts. They should be open to ‘Freedom of Information’. Those who fail to speak out against it must know about it and, one way or another, are complicit. They claim it does not break any of their (our) rules but it is so obviously MORALLY WRONG. So much so that it shows utter contempt for the ethics and morals of ordinary people. Those who strive in their working lives to bring up families to maintain and build on the high standards of our proud nation and, when the need arises, stand up to fight and die for it.

Bit by bit, wide spread dishonest use of public money comes to light and lips are still sealed. They promise the earth seeking our support for them to continue this way of life. It’s part and parcel of the attitude at the top which ran our economy into the ground and brought us to where we are while they walk away with combined billions. The likes of the honourable Freddie, Denis Conway, the Lord Taylor quartette and all the others we know of. Is this what we are supposed to have confidence in, vote and strive for ? What we offer as an example to our youth ?