POLICE in Ryedale are hunting vandals who carried out a spate of graffiti attacks.

In an effort to track down those responsible for two recent serious spates of graffiti in Malton, police and Ryedale District Council are hoping for success with a direct appeal to those communities blighted by the illegal vandalism.

Police believe the culprits live locally and the distinctive markings will be readily identifiable to locals.

PC Jane Jones, Safer Neighbourhood Team officer responsible for the Malton Area, said: “We have put together a colour poster containing photo images of the graffiti and by putting these up in community centres, shops and other places where local people gather, someone will come forward with vital information that will lead us to identifying the people who are blighting the area.”

Inspector Tim Hutchinson, who is in charge of Ryedale’s Safer Neighbourhood Team, said: “People should be under no illusions that this graffiti is anything other than criminal damage pure and simple and when we do identify those responsible we will be looking to prosecution and suitable punishment.

“There is a very real cost to graffiti and not just in financial terms, added Inspector Hutchinson, as graffiti, if not quickly removed, can raise the fear of crime in what would normally be a low crime area and cause unnecessary anxiety for law abiding people.”

PC Jones said: “Safer Ryedale- the District’s crime and disorder reduction partnership- purchased special graffiti removing equipment which Ryedale District Council have agreed to deploy.

“Thankfully a lot of the graffiti has been removed, but unless we track down these irresponsible people they will keep committing these offences which means more time and expense which can be avoided by positive action by both local agencies and the public.”