I WAS not surprised to read the story about the dogs savaging hens near Hob Moor (Flock of pet hens savaged by dog, The Press, March 10).

The Hob Moor dogs do not just savage hens; they also attack people. I use the cycle path on Hob Moor every day to travel to work. This path should be renamed dog path.

These irresponsible dog owners allow their dogs to run loose on the path. No effort is made to control dogs even if the owner sees a cyclist coming.

I have had large dogs running alongside the bike snarling and on two occasions dogs have attempted to bite me.

On other occasions loose dogs have run straight in front of my bike. A friend of mine has been attacked and bitten as he cycled across Hob Moor..

Action needs to be taken quickly before someone is seriously injured.

Peter Ashton
Kingsway West, York.