I SHOULD like to point out a slight error in the web reference that follows your report on the Local List (York landmarks brought together online, The Press, March 5), and also add a bit more background information to the article.The correct reference is yorklocallist.org.uk

However, it can also be found, together with information about the York Open Planning Forum (YOPF), by asking Google to find “york local list”.

The idea of a Local List was indeed triggered by the demolition of Burton Croft, and in late 2004 or early 2005 The Press gave considerable coverage to some of those places in our city which cannot be protected by an English Heritage listing. In spring 2005, members of YOPF were invited to give presentations at almost all of the ward meetings, and this was followed up in some cases by visits to parish councils, at their request.

As the report states, the response was excellent; there have been more than 170 nominations for inclusion so far. Not all nominations could be accepted as there had to be good visual, historic or other reasons for nomination.

Unfortunately, because the list has not yet been adopted by City of York Council, some of these early nominations have fallen to development without their merits being considered.

However, further discussions took place recently between council officers and representatives of YOPF, to bring about the adoption of the list for additional plannig guidance, although it may still be some months away before this happens.

Alec Acomb (YOPF)
Hillcrest Avenue, Nether Poppleton, York.