POLICE officers hunting a former York sex offender say they have received more than 50 calls from members of the public who say they may have seen him.

Peter McDonagh, 44, served time in jail for imprisoning a woman in his Acomb home and stealing money and a mobile phone from her.

He fled from a bail hostel two weeks ago and police say they are now hunting him in connection with the 2001 murder of Michaela Hague, who was stabbed to death in Sheffield on 5 November, 2001.

Ms Hague, a mother-of-one, was stabbed 19 times in her back and neck, when her killer struck in a secluded car park on Bonfire Night, 2001.

In the same year, McDonagh was jailed for four-and-a-half years for falsely imprisoning a woman in his flat in York, and stealing from her.

At the same hearing at York Crown Court, he was cleared of two charges of rape and one of indecent assault. A jury heard evidence McDonagh had confessed, within hours, to having sex with the woman after holding a knife to her throat.

But McDonagh later denied that, saying the woman had willingly gone to his home and consented to sex.

McDonagh was unanimously cleared of the rape and indecent assault charges by a jury that did not then know of his past convictions in Ireland.

McDonagh was released from prison last September, after serving part of an eight-year sentence for a knifepoint rape in Leeds in 2002. He went missing from a West Yorkshire hostel on February 11 and is considered dangerous.

Officers took the unusual step of naming McDonagh, formerly of Gale Lane, Acomb, York.

They also released photos of him, but urged members of the public not to approach him.

Since he left the hostel he has been sighted in Manchester, Carlisle and Aberdeen.

McDonagh is described as white, 5ft 11ins tall, stocky and with glasses and a full, long beard and moustache. He speaks with an Irish accent.

Det Supt Paul Taylor said: “We’ve had a good response from members of the public and have received in excess of 50 calls to the incident room but, unfortunately, we have had no major developments. Inquiries are ongoing to trace Mr McDonagh, and I would encourage the public to be vigilant and report any sightings of him to the incident room on 01274 373737.”

If seen, McDonagh should not be approached. Members of the public are urged to phone the incident room on 01274 37 37 37 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.