A TRIO of teenage inventors from a York secondary school are set to wow city business leaders at a prestigious conference.

York secondary school student inventors Andrew Mathieson, 16, Mike Sansoni, 15, and Greg Ashby, 15, have been invited to speak at Venturefest Yorkshire’s prestigious dinner at York Racecourse on February 11.

In July last year, Andrew, Mike and Greg, who attend Archbishop Holgate’s CE School, participated in Engineering Inspirations.

The annual event is organised by NYBEP (North Yorkshire Business and Education Partnership) to showcase coursework projects and inventions by students.

They won the top award for their design of a computer programmable, USB-powered bicycle light.

Archbishop Holgate’s head teacher, John Harris, said: “These three young engineers have made an outstanding contribution to the life of Archbishop Holgate’s.

“As well as showing real commitment to all aspects of technology, engineering and electronics, they have between them taken responsibility for the lighting of school shows; designed and made sound equipment for the hall; given professional presentations to parents about Archbishop Holgate’s new Post-16 provision, the new LearningCentre@AHS; organised audiences for the school Talent Contest; designed and made an award for the Bright Sparks primary school Science Challenge; and have been real role models of responsibility and helpfulness to the whole of the school community.

“I am delighted that Venturefest is recognising three such talented and special pupils.”

The boys will also be exhibiting their invention on the Enterprise Inspirations floor at Venturefest.

Enterprise Inspirations celebrates the many young people, teachers and partner businesses involved in developing and running enterprise activities throughout the past year.