Jocks, Poms Brits, Taffies, Paddies, Pakies, Yorkies, what is there to get all steamed up about ?

Ask the Lancastrians about Yorkies and they will tell you; Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred, strong in’t arm an thick in’t head. It hasn’t blighted my life.

I shared my billet with Taffies, Jocks, Paddies, Scousers and other unfortunates and didn’t hold it against them.

Pakies are from Pakistan, my granddad was a Paddy and served as a bandsman/stretcher bearer in the Durham Light infantry in the Boar war and France in the Great War. He came out an invalid. God knows whose other blood is in me for that matter.

Why be so touchy ? Sticks and stones may break my bones but calling will not hurt me !