Come and visit us Gordon? No thanks, you couldn’t be more wrong with the headline on Friday (Come and visit us, Gordon, The Press, January 9).

When the premier’s gravy train rolled in to Leeds, the last thing the good citizens thought about was the cost.

We are told that just policing this piece of political showmanship will cost Leeds some £160,000. Add on all the hidden expenses that we will never hear about and I suspect that the bill will be in seven figures. For what?

Mr Brown will not concern himself over the loss of seven jobs in a fashion shop in York or the closure of a record outlet when he showed nil interest in the closure of British Sugar in York, with the loss of so many jobs and the destruction of the Yorkshire sugar beet industry geared to the city outlet.

The only jobs Government creates are in its own service. It is very good at that, but meanwhile the steady destruction of our once proud industrial base has carried on apace, ably assisted by our so-called friends across the Channel.

A visit from Mr Brown would no doubt be a wonderful photo-shoot for a certain local MP, but would serve very little purpose otherwise.

Please have a rethink on this one and help save us from another heavy cost on already high police precept.

Charles Rushton, Pasture Close, Strensall, York.