AT last, a report published by Labour MP Hazel Blears shows the majority of white people in this country feel let down by this Government on immigration.

Another MP, Frank Field, expresses similar views (he has always been a thorn in this Government’s side). Mrs Blears states that white working-class people just don’t feel anyone is listening or speaking up for them.

White people should be allowed to talk about their worries on immigration, without fear of being branded a racist. The white working class feel they have become second-class citizens to immigrants, especially on housing and benefits.

This report by Mrs Blears will not go down well with the “high ups” within the Labour Party, but she has guts to publish it. This Government has shoved the problem immigration has caused to the white population in this country under the mat too many times.

This Government should put a halt to immigration now; only qualified people should be allowed into the country, full stop.

Tom Mitchell, Mendip Close, Huntington, York.