In The Press of January 6 (BNP leaflet under fire) Coun Galloway states that the green spaces of Westfield are protected and therefore in no danger of being built on.

Of course, at the time the leaflet was printed, York British National Party knew the green spaces are protected, but it does not follow they will stay protected, because in recent years owing largely to immigration, pressure has been growing to relax the law so that once protected green spaces can be built on.

Coun Galloway claims Acomb Moor is protected because it is part of the “draft green belt,” yet the draft green belt has failed to defeat the threatened development of Germany Beck in Fulford – a site of great historical significance where a battle was fought in 1066.

Nor has it defeated the threatened Derwenthorpe development, which includes Osbaldwick Meadows, land once owned by York City Council, but sold to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Trevor Brown (York BNP Group Organiser), Newbury Avenue, Acomb, York.