SELF-STYLED anarchists have struck at a York school, vandalising buildings on the site.

The graffiti vandals daubed various slogans on to buildings at the upper school of All Saints RC School, based at The Mount, in red spray paint.

They included: “Raise your fist and resist,” and “Capitalism is slavery”.

Expletives were also daubed on the building.

Head teacher Bill Scriven said he was very angry with the culprits.

He said: “I’m absolutely furious. There are a lot better ways to articulate your feelings and concerns about any kind of issues.

“To deface public property like that is absolutely appalling, it costs a fortune to put right.

“We try very hard to provide a pleasant educational environment for the students and get very cross when it’s defaced.

“I think free speech is very important, but there are ways to do it and you don’t do it by writing all over walls.”

A student at the school, who asked not to be named, said vandalism like this impacted on the school’s budget.

He said: “The far left have performed an act of mindless vandalism, in what appears to have been an attempt to spread their warped views to impressionable teenagers.

“This stupidity will knock a large hole out of my school’s limited budget, due to the clean up operation.

“I hope these ‘revolutionaries’ are proud of themselves.

“Let’s hope the police catch these morons and throw the book at them.”

Coun Carol Runciman, City of York Council’s education supremo, said she was amazed political protests of this kind were still going on.

“It’s a shame that people have to put slogans like that on buildings, but if that was said in a classroom situation I would be pleased they were discussing the issues.”