Well done to Yearsley Pool for the lido performance, the climax of its centenary celebrations (Sounds of brass, dancers and swimmers, The Press, November 1).

It was very good and made the history and past of the pool come alive.

A silent solitary swimmer Pete Kendrew swims effortlessly up and down while one by one spirits of the Edwardian baths play, dive and swim around the oblivious modern swimmer.

I swim there nearly every day and I will be very aware of the times gone by as I swim, apparently on my own.

The band was brilliant and did a marvellous job. I loved the bare feet and rolled-up trousers.

We owe a huge thank-you to all the campaigners who worked so long and hard to save Yearsley Pool, which nearly closed a few years ago. The pool’s future is now secured. It is a fabulous facility with dedicated and friendly staff.

It is a proper full-size swimming baths for public use. We are very lucky to have such a facility in York.

Congratulations on surviving 100 years and the best for the future.

Kath Burton, Fountayne Street, York.