A FUNDRAISING drive to safeguard a popular community hall has raised nearly half of its £50,000 target.

The roof of Huntington Memorial Hall is riddled with woodworm and it must be replaced to safeguard the venue’s future.

There is now £23,000 in the pot, but trustees are warning it is a race against time and more work is needed or the hall, in Strensall Road, York, would be declared unsafe and be forced to close next year.

This could potentially make dozens of groups homeless, as it is used by parents and toddlers, a host of dance and karate groups, the Guides, Brownies and Rainbows, for military whist drives, and by the City of York Pipe Band and Ebor Rag Ruggers.

Huntington Pre-School also meets at the hall every week day during term time.

David Hobman, chairman of the trustees, said: “The hall is a critical part of the community, built to honour the people who died for us in the First World War and now used by over 650 people on a weekly basis.”

Users, residents and well-wishers have been rallying round by staging a host of money-spinning events.

Among the successes, trustees organised a gala weekend and scarecrow trail recently with 50 straw characters dotted about the village, triggering many offers of help and donations to the roof fund.

The gala featured a chainsaw carver, City of York Pipe Band, tombolas, raffles, and refreshments, collecting more than £3,200 over the weekend.

Mr Hobman paid tribute to Barclays Bank who he said had agreed to match cash raised by their employee Cathy Roberts, of the Parliament Street branch in York, through its “matched funding” scheme.

She organised and ran a sponsor-a-tile stall that raised £750 that weekend.

“After the gala, the roof fund stands at an impressive £23,000, so the target is nearly half way. But unless the £50,000 can be raised, the hall will close in autumn 2009. The trustees will try anything in their power to prevent this,” he pledged.

The trustees have also applied to the ward committee for a contribution and are awaiting feedback.

Donations can be sent to 4 Brockfield Road, Huntington Road, York, YO31 9DZ. Cheques should be payable to “Huntington Memorial Hall Roof Fund”.

To become a friend of the Memorial Hall phone David Blueman on 07855 522 120 or email david.blueman@tiscali.co.uk