As part of “Discover Lincolnshire Weekend”, Waltham Windmill has once again opened for visitors starting from the 16th of March and lasting until the 29th of September.

“Discover Lincolnshire” is a scheme that features numerous attractions, businesses, and sites from across Lincolnshire that open their doors to visitors so they can experience the great opportunities to explore the county.

People wishing to visit the windmill can find it located just off Brigsley Road in Waltham between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. every weekend. Furthermore, it is open Tuesdays to Sunday at the same times during Easter and the summer school holidays.

The volunteer-ran attraction features a traditional windmill dating back to 1880, a museum honouring RAF Grimsby, and a mini-railway.

One volunteer explained that the site is “all voluntary” and is maintained through kind donations from visitors and supporters.

Furthermore, some of the items that feature in the mueseum are “50, 80, or even 100 years old”.