PeaceJam Slams occur all over the world in hopes to bring young people together to be the change they wish to see. They gather to raise interest for the PeaceJam manifesto, and voice out their ideas. A PeaceJam slam was set up in Leeds in November.

The event was very successful, with teenagers from all around Yorkshire, including pupils from The Mount School York, gathering to enjoy each other’s company and share ideas in the CATCH building in Leeds.

Groups started off with quick introductions, before discussing current matters that might be plague their communities. The assortment of bright minds came up with developed strategies which showed originality and critical thinking.

Communication is also an important aspect of the PeaceJam Slams. Participants were asked to communicate is different ways, like using hand gestures, teaching them fundamental ways to express themselves without being able to speak directly. 

The event was insightful, and a lot of the participants left with ideas on how they could improve their local communities.

PeaceJam has been participating in the ‘One Billion Acts of Peace’ campaign, raising awareness of peace around the world, the project has reached 171 countries, collecting 113,103,392 submissions of social action projects, impressive results that displays the push towards peace in the world.

Recently two PeaceJam representatives visited The Mount School York for an informative discussion on future PeaceJam projects.

Mount pupils from all year groups gathered in a circle, in PeaceJam style, and discussed various social action projects in which they would like to invest their spare time doing, and PeaceJam representative provided valuable suggestions, guiding the ideas closer to reality. 

Two students at The Mount have based their social action project around providing humanitarian aid to refugees; their project is inspiring other students around the school, and they hope to reach out to the community for support in their journey.