DOES this corner of York look familiar?

If the row of properties and the gable end covered in an advert for the medicinal Stanley's Winter Nips calls to mind York's iconic Bile Beans sign at Lord Mayors Walk then you are on the right track.

Or at least in the right vicinity.

This photo of Lord Mayors Walk dates from around 1933.

We found it in the wonderful online Explore York archives (which you can check out for yourself at

The photo shows a row of shops including a newsagents and Richardson's butchers. The end of the row has a large sign for Stanley's Winter Nips, which are advertised as 'the pocket doctor'.

There is a public telephone box in the foreground and, in the distance, a horse and cart and a car can be seen.

Some of these buildings were demolished in the 1940s - so we know it is not the same gable end that features the Bile Beans sign much loved by York residents and visitors today.

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