IMPISH Christmas elves are back making mischief in York again this year.

The 'Elf on the Shelf' craze is popular once more - and many people are posting their photos on social media.

Every year from December 1, households across the country are visited by cheeky toy elves, who ‘spy’ on children and report their behaviour, both good and bad, back to Santa in the run-up to Christmas.

Parents are supposed to move the puppet around the house each day to create the illusion that he is popping up somewhere new.

The popular 'Elf on the Shelf' character has become a Christmas tradition for many families. Many families buy the branded Elf on the Shelf toy but also a range of look-a-like characters too.

We'd love to see photos of your naughty elves in York this year - please send them straight to our newsroom via the 'send now' tab below...