RESIDENTS in the East Riding are being urged to show their support for a national tidying campaign by cleaning up litter in their neighbourhoods.

The Great British Spring Clean takes place from March 17 to April 2 - and East Riding of Yorkshire Council is backing the campaign by encouraging people to volunteer to spruce up their towns, villages and schools.

Councillor David Elvidge, the council’s portfolio holder for community empowerment and voluntary sector, said: “We want residents of all ages to get involved with the Great British Spring Clean by picking up litter where they live, work, or go to school.

“By doing even a little bit of cleaning, it can make a big difference to the community.”

The council is showing its support by providing new pink bin bags free to anyone taking part in the clean up.

Anyone taking part in the Great British Spring Clean, or carrying out any litter picking events at any time of year, can contact the waste and recycling team to request the new bags, equipment and organise collections of waste by emailing: