YORK'S first family of panto once again took to the stage at their adopted home over at York's Grand Opera House for the second year running on Saturday afternoon and launched this year's offering The Adventures Of Old Granny Goose in spectacular style.

Fellow babbies and bairns don't need me to tell them how fabulous this show is... Berwick Kaler and co's reputation speaks for itself. This is my 45th year seeing Berwick in panto here in York.

Berwick is a genius when it comes to his craft and how incredibly lucky are we that he has bestowed his gift upon the city of York all these years and long may he continue.

I have always felt that at the very core of panto is family and Mr Kaler rounds up his entire panto family, a happy band of merriment and mirth for yet another rip roaring hilarious two-hour show.

Yes the gang are all back together and back on a York stage where they all belong - Berwick, Martin Barrass, Suzy Cooper, David Leonard, AJ Powell and Jake Lindsay who's first onstage appearances drew huge applause and cheers from their loyal and devoted audience.

Pantomonium reigns supreme among the fabulous musical production numbers complete with brand new ensemble members and little babbies & bairns.

So if you are looking for a little bit of happiness and a little bit of joy in these currently troubled times we now live in then look no further than York's Grand Opera House this panto season.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Berwick, Martin, Suzy, David, AJ & Jake are collectively a Christmas gift that just keeps on giving!

Stephen Cass,

Key Way,




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