With reference to Helen Gabriel's report (A day to remember) in The Press on Thursday, May 22.

At a meeting of the York branch of the Royal British Legion held on May 13 the members were asked how their delegate at National Conference should vote on the motion that the Government make November 11 Armed Forces Day and a public holiday. The branch decided that the delegate should vote against this motion.

This motion was duly debated at the Royal British Legion conference on May 17 and 18, and was defeated by a majority vote of all delegates attending the conference.

The Royal British Legion wholeheartedly supports the quest for a further bank holiday and that it should be a national day of celebration for the Armed Forces.

However, members feel that November 11, with the two minutes silence, which is supported by many businesses, stores, schools and the general public, is a day of remembrance and should remain so.

Bob Burrows, Honorary secretary, York branch, The Royal British Legion.