HERE comes another gem from New Labour, £6 million to be spent on a Know your Limits drink campaign.

At last they have realised, probably through expensive research, that most of the population have not got a clue when it comes to drinking alcohol and equating it to units.

I certainly have never once said to my real-ale-drinking buddies, let's meet up to sink a few units'.

Did the boffins in white coats working away in the lab really think this term was going to mean anything to anybody, and catch on?

Apart from a few pints of Timothy Taylor's every week, it also appears that, according to the tables in The Press article, I am sipping about six bottles of good quality red too many.

Joking apart, the only solution if this Government wants the population to drink less is to put the price up.

Bob Waite, Windmill Rise, Holgate, York.