TAKEN to its logical conclusion, JP Marwick's view that the sale and ownership of all weapons of any kind, whether real or replica, would bring about the almost total collapse of film, theatre and TV (Readers' Letters, January 21) and would hit amateur groups especially hard.

At least two thirds of the Shakespearean canon could not be performed, to say nothing of the popular "Village Hall Whodunits."

I wish I could remember who said: "There is no drama without conflict". It may be a sad reflection on the human condition, but the principal function of drama - like religion - is to reflect and inform that condition in order to improve it.

Every effort must be made to ensure the safety of audience and cast, and that such vital props do not fall into the wrong hands, but health and safety standards in this area are pretty high as it is and rising all the time.

J E Muldowney, York Shakespeare Project.

Second Avenue, Heworth, York.