What? Buffers Model Railway and Bolton Abbey.

Why? If you like either model trains or glorious scenery, or both, this was the place to go last Sunday. First, we headed for Buffers at the wonderfully named Back o' th' Hill Farm.

This small family-run farm, dating back to 1633, is situated at Storiths, a hamlet in the hills above Bolton Abbey in Wharfedale.

Downstairs in a converted barn was a coffee shop serving homemade food, and a shop selling an extraordinary range of model trains.

Upstairs, in an attic gallery, was a huge model railway built almost two decades ago by the coffee shop proprietor Keith Blackburn.

Keith, a railway fanatic, told me he owns almost 500 model trains.

There were several scenes in the gallery, relating the history of the railways, with buttons to press to make some of the numerous trains whiz around the tracks.

Sadly, transparent panels have had to be erected to stop visitors nicking the trains.

After a coffee and snack in the café, we headed out of the farm and down a well-signed and defined footpath down the hill until, out of the blue, we came across a superb view of Bolton Abbey.

We looked down at the historic building across a sweeping bend of the River Wharfe, with the ruins reflected on the still surface. With the horse chestnuts, oaks and other ancient trees beginning to colour, and a misty sun shining down on the river and pastures, this was a classic autumn scene of great beauty, as captured on canvas by artists such as Turner and Landseer.

The abbey - or more correctly the priory - was founded in 1151 and is now partly in ruins, but with the nave still serving as the parish church.

How much? Entry to the model railway is free to coffee shop customers, with other visitors asked to make a 50 pence donation. By parking at Storiths, you can also avoid a hefty charge to park near the abbey.

Child friendly? Yes, children will certainly enjoy pressing buttons to make the trains go round. And if the weather's warm enough, they can even get out a bucket and spade and dig on a sandy beach by the side of the Wharfe.

Toilet facilities? Yes.

Disabled facilities? The model railway is upstairs and inaccessible to wheelchair users.

Opening times: Buffers is open all year round 10.30 am to 5pm, apart from Mondays.

Information: Phone 01756 710253