THE letters to the Press accusing me of misrepresenting the views of Brexit voters underscore my point.

For 30 years the desire to rid the nation of foreigners was restricted to the far right. Since the EU referendum, the surge of attacks against people for looking or sounding foreign has been significant.

Thugs are emboldened by the new intolerance of ‘foreigners’, and ‘go home’ attitudes are becoming respectable.

You can be told to go home if you talk funny, or wear different clothes, or if your face is the ‘wrong’ colour. Even if you were born here.

That’s the context in which thousands of black people have been told to leave Britain by the Government.

It may suit some to protest that they have no part to play in this but for many others, including those on the receiving end of this new British hospitality, the truth seems different.

Christian Vassie,

Blake Court,



I have an open mind in Brexit arguments

I AM one of the older generation and I have never been offended by Christian Vassie.

Perhaps because I listen to his arguments with an open mind.

Seeing the mess we are now in shows how right he is. He speaks a lot more sense than those who claim they knew what they were voting for in the Referendum.

P Dawson,

Fordlands Road,

Fulford, York