A COPY of Megi Rychlikova’s excellent column “Papering over the potholes” (The Press, April 20) should be on every office desk at City of York

Council’s headquarters.

I use the road from Holtby to Stockton-on-the-Forest regularly to go to golf, and this narrow road is not only atrocious, it is highly dangerous, especially to occasional users.

We have had enough of the council trotting out the usual excuses.

It is not sufficient to just fill the potholes, they need proper repairs.

The slipshod “make do and mend” practices of the past have caught up with them.

As for the practical use of the pothole sensors, that says everything about this gimmick-obsessed administration.

Geoff Robb,

Hunters Close,

Dunnington, York

Scarcroft Road is in a dreadful state

I WRITE with reference to your report “Repair plan for roads is revealed” (The Press, April 16).

Perhaps one of the roads which should have priority is Scarcroft Road, especially between the allotments and the playing area on the other side of the road. It is dreadful.

Maybe one day?

Maureen Robinson,

Broadway, York