RESIDENTS are being urged to lock their homes and vehicles following a spate of burglaries.

Police in Harrogate say there has been a spate of sneak-in burglaries and thefts across the town.

Since January 1 they have received reports of 11 burglaries and all but one happened through an unlocked door. In some cases the thieves have also taken items from cars or stolen the residents’ cars as well.

PC Amanda Hanusch-Moore, of Harrogate Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “These are not sophisticated criminals committing these crimes, they are opportunists trying door handles until they get lucky. Please help put an end to their run of luck by taking a few simple security measures.

"Please lock your doors and make sure your windows are closed and secure, lock your vehicles when they’re not in use, and remember to remove valuables from your car and from view in your house – including car keys.

"Draw your curtains at night and leave a light on if you’re not at home so you your home looks occupied. The more obstacles you put in their way, the less likely opportunist thieves are to strike.

"If you can supplement this by fitting burglar alarms, security lighting in gardens, house light timers for when you are away on holiday, steering wheel locks and tracking devices for your vehicles, then you are vastly reducing your chances of becoming a victim of crime further."