A TEENAGE single mum has blasted York College after she was forced to give up a place to study for her GCSEs.

Rachel Thistle, 17, just wanted to get back some of the education she has missed out on after leaving school and having a baby at 15.

But she said she had hit a brick wall after being refused a nursery place at the college for her daughter Amelia - as well as falling foul of its tough new parking rule.

Rachel, from Acomb, York, had a place at college to study for a Fresh Start programme under which she would have studied for five GCSEs, in the hope of one day becoming a social worker.

She is currently taking driving lessons and hoped to pass her test in August, which would have enabled her to drive to college and drop her daughter off at the nursery there.

But now Rachel has been foiled by a tough new parking rule at the college - revealed in The Press earlier this month - which means only students who have been driving for nine months or more can get a permit.

That would mean she would have to get two buses into college, a journey of an hour each way.

The college has also refused a nursery place for Amelia, saying they are full.

Rachel, who spent the first year of her daughter's life working in a nursing home's kitchen, said: "I'm a bit annoyed. They talk about young mums not doing anything, but they've made it impossible for me to do anything. I've tried to do something and get a job."

Rachel said catching a bus to college, coupled with finding another nursery for Amelia, would have meant she did not have enough time to do her college work.

A spokesman for the college said: "Despite the fact that we have increased the number of baby places in our nursery from six to 15 this year, there are still not enough spaces to meet demand.

"We encourage parents to apply as early as possible. Rachel did not apply for a place until June 20, well after other priority Care To Learn students.

"There are other continuing learners who also still need baby places with the result that baby places at our nursery are at a premium.

"Rachel should now ring the Children's Information Service on York 554628, find out information on current childcare vacancies in the area and complete her Care To Learn application and return it to college.

"The college introduced the nine months full driving licence arrangement for car drivers to reduce the number of vehicles on campus and to encourage other modes of transport use."