THE European Parliament voted this week – by 557 votes to 92 – that not enough progress has been made in the Brexit negotiations.

This matters for two reasons. Firstly, it demonstrates that despite May’s and Davis’ assurances that all is going well, the rest of the EU does not agree.

Secondly, it demonstrates that, for all those insinuations that the EU is not run democratically, the elected members of the European Parliament (EP) are key players in what happens next.

Aside from exposing the lie that bureaucrats run the EU, the current situation also exposes the miscalculation Theresa May has made in refusing to address the EP even though she has been invited to do so.

Without EP support no Brexit deal can be agreed; democracy is at the heart of the EU’s decision-making process.

To be fair, she is in a predicament; if she acknowledges the EP and the democratic process of Brexit it will inflame those in her own party who continue to pretend the EU is undemocratic.

But if she fails to address the EP then she misses the opportunity to win friends and support from the rest of Europe.

Welcome to the continuing mess of Brexit.

Christian Vassie, Blake Court, Wheldrake, York