A YORK charity which takes disabled and disadvantaged children on a pilgrimage holiday to Lourdes every Easter is urging people to support it by buying tickets for a ‘Great Gatsby Ball’ at York Racecourse on September 16.

A Hosanna House and Children’s Pilgrimage Group spokeswoman said the trip to the shrine in France enabled children to grow in confidence, aided their communication skills and gave them a ‘fun, spiritually enriching holiday.’

Sue Hannon, whose daughter Amelia travelled to Lourdes with the group this Easter, said: “I have never known her be so excited and talkative about anything as much as this!”

The spokeswoman said the charity worked tirelessly to raise sufficient funds through fundraising events and donations, but was struggling to sell tickets for the ball. For tickets, email group122@hcpt.org.uk or telephone: 07793 573259.