CLLR Dew (The Press, May 23) shows one of his usual reflexes to suggestions to solve problems in the city: ridiculing or diverting.

Instead of presenting the Conservatives’ ideas and solutions to solve the congestion and air pollution problem in the city, he says that none of the socialist parties have any real answers and only the Conservatives can give the leadership that our city needs.

The question remains: leadership for what and in which direction?

The Conservative leadership in York had the chance to take the lead and get a “sweetheart deal” from the Government on funding social care as Surrey County Council did, fight with their defence secretary to keep the barracks in York, or give York’s Green Belt special protection under its fast track fracking legislation.

Perhaps we can have a proper discussion again about issues, ideas and solutions rather than exchanging robotic mantras of “strong and stable leadership”, which are already mulched comprehensively enough in the countryside by the Conservative spin-doctors in the general election.

By the way, I have never considered myself as a socialist, but when it means the belief that all people are equal and should share equally in a country’s wealth then so be it.

Cllr Lars Kramm, Ward councillor for Micklegate, York Green Party, York