A NEW conference has been set up to help charities in York work better together.

The event, on social innovation and working together networking charity conference, entitled ‘Working together to make York better’, will be held at York St John University next month.

Organisers said the event will be “a networking conference to bring York independent charities, the voluntary sector and local businesses together to promote synergies and social enterprise; to make a strong unit that ‘work together to make York better’”.

The conference aims to improve engagement "between independent charities in York”, and “promote synergies and explore how we can all work together”.

Organisers said: “Many independent charities encounter the same issues and problems.

“The conference aims to encourage the transfer of knowledge and opportunity to learn from others’ experience.

“Businesses do not understand how they can support the third sector and their local communities. The conference will give an opportunity to showcase how they can help and promote the ongoing work of local charities.”

The conference, which has been set up by MBA students from the university, will also raise public awareness of the support available from charities across York.

TJ Rodrigo is one of the organisers, and said: “We have speakers from the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Kyra and York CVS, and there will be networking after that.

“Anyone who works for a charity in York and wants to find our more about working better together, they can come along.”

The conference takes place on Thursday, June 8, between 9am and 3pm at De Grey Court, York St John University.

To book a place or find out more, email richard.weston1@yorksj.ac.uk, kodimarakkalage.ro@yorksj.ac.uk, k.brighty@yorksj.ac.uk or k.adams1@yorksj.ac.uk or go to eventbrite.co.uk/e/social-innovation-and-working-together-networking-charity-conference-tickets-33452866424