WELL done Brexit, we have our country back.

We have a democracy in this country. We vote in who we want to run our country but since joining the EU every government we voted in to run our country was run by the European Union.

People say what about job losses. Well some will gain, some will lose, like everything in life. We can’t please everyone all the time.

Think of our trawlers. We were told our trawlers could only go out so many days a year to help fish conservation, but they then let other countries fish these so-called protected waters.

Foreign boats in our waters who then come and sell their fish in our markets.

Then agriculture. The farmers get money from the EU in the way of subsidies but this was never enough. If it was, so many farms wouldn’t have closed.

Let’s see our milk farmers now start producing milk for our people without the influence of the EU.

We need to keep the farms going because our countryside wouldn’t be the same.

Let’s start putting the great back into Great Britain.

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