THE Archbishop of York joined cast and crew of the York Mystery Plays today as they prepared for tonight's premiere at the Minster.

Dr John Sentamu, standing on the enormous stage in the cathedral's Nave, greeted some of the hundreds of volunteers and actors and prayed for God’s blessing on the production.

He said: “I’m thrilled that York Minster is continuing the region’s cultural and religious heritage by staging the Mystery Plays. To have God’s story from creation to last judgement brought to life in this place of wonder will I hope inspire all who come to see it, as the Minster itself has inspired people for over a millennium.”

Plays producer Nicola Corp said the community cast and crew had been working tirelessly for months to help put together the production, which has seen the cathedral transformed into a 1,000 seater theatre to dramatise the greatest story ever told.

"Tonight belongs to everyone: our actors, our MysteryMakers, our beautiful Minster and this magnificent city,"she said. "We’re very, very excited. “ Dean Vivienne Faull said that after a gap of 16 years, it was 'enormously exciting' to stage the Plays at the Minster again, adding: "We hope experiencing the performances in such an extraordinary setting will be a truly moving experience.”

Plays Patron, the Duke of York, wished 'great success to all those who are involved.'

The Plays run until June 30.